Me And My Family

Assalamu’alaikum.. Hi, hello, this post is part of my way to improve my english, especially in writing. I have study english in Pare before.

So through this post I will write it in three sections:

  1. Who Am I
  2. Where I Live
  3. And Lil Bit About My Family

Let’s jump into it.

Who Am I

I will talk about me in this time, not me in the past.

I spent most of the time in front of monitor, and in front of my students. While most of people get to work out of their home, I did it reserve. I do work in my room for hours a day (about 5-8 hours).

I did something called (named) internet marketing. Basicly internet marketing is activity to promote your product on the internet. There are many platform you can use to promote your product or services, such as:

  1. Facebook
  2. SEO (Website)
  3. Instagram
  4. Email
  5. Etc

Among those platform, I choose SEO as my ultimate platform to get some money. I’ve tried most of those platform and I feel comfort in SEO. There are many reasons why I did it, you can check it on my bussiness section (click on the menu above).

At least, I use SEO for these:

  1. Help me to sell something
  2. Help people (me and my partners) to growth our business
  3. Scaling my networks with people, I can make a good connection to a new person easier.
  4. Help more people to learn internet marketing so they can do it themself (promoting, creating website, and more)

About My Students

I make an intense program named Pesantren Sintesa. Now we have more than 100 students from around the country. Their age about 18-25 years old.

I spent half of my time for them, give some tasks, evaluating, and teach them about attitude in Islam. I’ve to make sure when they finish the program from this place, they got the target.

We have 2 main mission:

  1. Every person in this program must memorize 2 juz of Qur’an before graduation
  2. All of them must have IDR 1.500.000 per month as a personal minimum-profit in their business before graduation.

Alhamdulillah, since 1st generation of Sintesa, our success-rate according to our main mission is above 50% which is great for our program.

What about another 50%? They are separated by 2 kind of people:

  1. Someone who want to keep struggling
  2. And who want to pivot to another way

Every student that keep struggling will get their success in 6 months average.

Where I Live

I’m a father of 2 children, a boy and a girl. Me and my lil family live in Magetan. A town that have lowest economy in East Java. Yes I know it is sounds sad, but that’s it :(

Fortunately we are in coverage area of Telkom’s fiber optic. So we get a fast internet connection in the location where we live. Alhamdulillah.

Our people here are same like other people in Java, most of them life using old mindset. When I finished my study and came back to hometown they are asking where I’m work, what is my job and how much is my fee. I said I don’t work in office and they are confused. But I don’t mind on it.

Now they are know that I still have a good life while just stay in my home. Some of young people here interest to learn what I did, so I teach them too. We can get enough money while sit anywhere.

There are nothing special in my town, it’s just an ordinary town.

But there is a bad history about my town. If you read the part of our country’s history you will notice about Communist’s movement named PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia).

There are hundreds of public figure killed by PKI in my town including my grand-grandfather, you can Googling his name KH. Sulaiman Zuhdi Affandi, you’ll find out the brutality of PKI.

I live in a village (dusun) named Jaranan, this village was used by PKI as central of their foods (rice, cattle, livestock) in 1948 which is their first rebellion in Madiun Raya and another spots in East Java.

So my neighbours now is decentdents of the PKI’s.

My Family

I was born in Jakarta, I was 2 from 7 siblings. My father and his wife moved their family to Magetan for some reasons. I grew up in this town.

I was decided to merried in 19, there is a beatiful woman from Blora that accepted me as it is. I know her first in social network platform called Multiply (now the Multiply is ended), our first meet was in Jogja.

Before I propose her, I did propose to more then 10 women in a year. Each of them was accepted me, but most of their family didn’t. They said I’m a kid, uneducated, and unemployed. They saw me as a guy that can not do responsibility yet.

I feel bad, I realize that this is a difficult thing but don’t let this stop my destiny. I’ve strong determination so I just keep going and let it flow as always.

Until I ask to someone that accepted me in the future, “Will you merry me?” She said like another women before, “Yes”. And luckily, her family accepted me too with no doubt about my age, my graduation, and my job.

Our wedding was just in 3 weeks after I proposed her.

There are some unique facts about our marriage:

  1. She was a bachelor, and I just a high school graduated
  2. She was older then me, I was 19 and she was 25
  3. I has no clearly income when I proposing her (and her family)
  4. Some people said “I was a kid”
  5. I did propose many women before I propose my wife
  6. We start our marriage from nothing

I tell my grandmother before I propose and she was shocked! But I try to explain the details and she can accept my explanations. At that moment, my grandmother said, “I worry about you, your wife will dominating in your life.”

But everything has been done, Alhamdulillah there are nothing to worries, everything runs normally.

Our marriage has been running for 5 years. Allah gave us a son named Farid Zakaria (3,6 years old) and a daughter named Elina Farida (1,5 years old).

Rules In Our Family

In our family, we have some rules that we agreed, so we can rule everybody by sytem.

In my opinion, family is just like a corporate. If you want your corporate running well, you should create a good standard operational procedure. So do in the family.

You success in managing your family is very depend on the system that you build.

I always discuss it with my wife. Everytime we got a problem, we need to agree that we have a problem, then we ask each other, “What should we do now?”

Sometime she gives a suggest, sometimes me.

We make every rules everytime we got a problem. More then 5 years our mariage, we has so many problems and we has so many point of rules too.

Such as, when Farid was addicted to gadget (watching YouTube), we limit his access by system, “Hi Farid, since today you just allowed to watch YouTube every noon.” The impact is very impressive, his life is back to normal, playing in the morning, learning in the afternoon, and watching in just around 15 minutes in the noon.

Me and my wife has “agreement” too, as a husband I can’t reject her ask to accompany to visit the market. But there is no visiting market everyday. It’s just when we need it.

As a father, I must playing with our children 15 minutes a day minimum to create a good bunding with them.


Thats it all. Thank you for read my recent blog. I need your critics to my writing skill, write it on comment section.

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